Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Letter To Myself

Thinking back to the last time I blogged and it seems like forever ago. In a way it was, that was a completely different time in my life. A lot has changed since then, both in where I am in life and in how I perceive it. I honestly don't think that the "me from back then" would believe you if you told her where I am in life right now. I mean, no one guesses that they're going to be a single parent by the age of 25. But, that crazy, energetic, hilarious little girl has taught me a lot about life..things that I really wish that the old me had known. So here it goes:

5 Things Present Me Wishes I Could Tell The "Me From Back Then"

1. You don't need others approval to be happy. 
I get it, it's nice to be's nice to have others approval, but it's not important!! It's cliche, I know, but the only person who's approval matters is your own. You can't live your life trying to make others happy. In fact, if you live the life you want to be living, and strive to love yourself and make yourself happy, the people around you will be happier too. 

2. No one ever tells you JUST how much having a baby will change your life
everyone makes it out to be this cake walk, and everything is sunshine and roses and gumdrop buttons. The movies show babies who never scream and cry, and everyone talks about how magical it is. Well, REALITY CHECK, it's not. You will spend the first two months of that child's life not sleeping and living off handfuls of crackers at a time. You will deal with explosive poops two minutes before you're supposed to be out the door. Your old "friends" will disappear in favor of other child-less women. But you will make new friends, you'll learn to appreciate nap time, McDonald's will start to feel like gourmet cuisine and the moment you get that first genuine smile from your little girl you will forget all that is wrong with the world. It's not easy being a parent, but it's worth it. 

3.People will copy you and that's okay
If there's one thing that I've come to terms with in my mid-twenties, it's that I'm pretty awesome and with this great awesome-ness comes great responsibilities. This includes helping others who haven't realized their awesomeness come into their own. I remember when I was younger and I saw the Suicide Girls and thought, I want to be like them. So when someone copies you, just remember that they look up to you and want to be like you. They're not trying to upset you, they just haven't found their own thing yet.

4. Becoming vegetarian will be one of the best decisions of your life
my vege-versary is next week and I'm super proud of myself! I've been eating much healthier and have so much more energy than I ever did as an omnivore. I also have tried a lot more different/new/weird foods than I used to. It makes me wish I had started sooner, but better late than never they say. 

5. Everything will be fine in the end, if it's not fine then it's not the end
Yes, I know, more cliche sayings...but as a text book worrier/over thinker, it's definitely something I needed to learn. There's really no sense in worrying over something that you can't control, it just causes unnecessary stress. 

It's been four years since I last blogged, and a lot has changed since then. In another four years I'm sure a lot more will have changed. I'm happy to be getting back into blogging and back into crocheting full time. If you'd like to see my work check out my page:

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you're back :) Definitely a lot has changed. It doesn't feel like it's been 4 years! Crazy. A lot of good advice in here!
